Sunday, September 30, 2012

Three-Tire architecture in Or Windows

Here i will explain How to create Three-tire Architecture in .Net using C#. Here i am not going to show how to use connection string from web.config because, Previously i showed how to use Connection String in Three-Tire architecture from web.config file in this POST.

In this post i am using ASP.Net for my convenience. In realtime also most of the Developers use ASP.Net only.

Here we have 3 projects
  • UI Validation (ASP.Net)
  • BLL (Business Logic Layer)
  • DAL (Data Access Layer)
  1. Create a ASP.Net Project and name it as u like. in my case (ThreeTire) -- UI
  2. In the SolutionExplorer Rightclick on the project u created (ASP.Net) and add Class Project and Name it as U like, in my case (ThreeTire.BLL) -- BLL
  3. Again In the SolutionExplorer Rightclick on the project u created (ASP.Net) and add another Class Project and Name it as U like, in my case (ThreeTire.DAL) -- DAL
Up-to Now  we created 3 projects. Now add reference to one another.

  • First RightClick on the ThreeTire.BLL and add reference of ThreeTire.DAL
  • In the Same way RightClick on the ThreeTire (ASP.Net) project and add reference of ThreeTire.BLL