Friday, August 31, 2012

Connection String From Web.config in Class file (Three Tire Architecture)

Here I will explain How to retrieve Connection String from Web.config in Class.cs file when using Three Tire Architecture or More Tires. Here in 3 tire...
  • UI Validation (ASP.Net)            //ASP.Net web application
  • BLL (Business Logic Layer)     //Windows - Class Library project
  • DAL (Data Access Layer)         //Windows - Class Library project
 Here we had TWO ways to get connection string from we.config file.

  • In 1st method we can get connection string in web.config file from
    <connectionStrings/> tag i.e.,
    <add name="constring"
         user id=sa; 
         pwd=*********;" />
    and now we need to add reference
    and the connection string can be written as shown below
    private string constring = 
  • In 2nd method write the connection string as shown below<configuration> 
    <add key="constring" 
    user id=sa;

    and Now in the DataAccessLayer i.e, in the class file write as shown below.
    Before that you need to add  

    using System.Configuration;

    and now

    private string constring = 
For ThreeTite architecture Click HERE

How to use While Loop In StoredProcedures

Here I will explain how to use while loop in Stored Procedures. Mostly we will use while loop in stored procedures.
Here is the sample stored procedure to print 1 to 5 using while loop.

Ex : 1

create proc whileLoop

declare @I int = 1, @J int = 5 -- Declare i, J and assign values

while(@I <= @J)

print @I

set @I = @I + 1;



and now to execute the above stored procedure write the below line and select if the line is in the sample script file and press F5

exec whileLoop

Out Put :


How to use MsChart in Asp.Net Using c#

Here i am going to explain how to use MsCharts in Asp.Net using C#.Net  and DataSet's

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Export gridview data to Word using using C#

Here i will explain How to Export Gridview Data To Word. While Exporting I will explain the problems how to solve them. First download the ItextSharp from the above link.

Previously Explained 

  • Export Gridview Data To PDF          ClickHere 
  • Export Gridview Data To Excel        ClickHere 

 And Now i will Explain As the Title Says

         protected void btnExpToWord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                ExpGvToExcelControl.AllowPaging = false;

                             string.Format("attachment; filename={0}", "EmpInfo.doc"));
                Response.Charset = "";
                Response.ContentType = "application/ms-word";
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string ErrMsg = ex.Message;

Export gridview data to Excel using using C#

Here i will explain How to Export Gridview Data To Excel. In the Previous post Explained How to Export Gridview Data To PDF  and now While Exporting I will explain the problems how to solve them. Here i am binding Gridview In the Page_Load event 

Out Put :

Control 'gvdetails' of type 'GridView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server

Control 'gvdetails' of type 'GridView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server

For the above type of Error Write the following Method in the code behind file.

        public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control)
            // verifies the control is rendered here

How to Add multiple Headers to gridview in Asp.Net using C#

Hear i am going to explain how to add multiple Headers to Gridview in ASp.Net using C#
as shown below two examples...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Export gridview data to PDF using using C#

Here i will explain How to Export Gridview Data To PDF using ITextSharp. While Exporting I will explain the problems how to solve them. First download the ItextSharp from the above link.

Here i am binding Gridview In the Page_Load event

Out Put :

Sunday, August 26, 2012

ASP.NET textbox with jQuery UI DatePicker

Here in this post i will show Jquery DatePicker  On Asp.Net TextBox.

In the other post i  was explained   Plain text as watermark for password text box using

Out PUT :

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Plain text as watermark for password text box using

In this post i will how to use Plain Text as Watermark for password TextBox in

In the other post i was explained ASP.NET textbox with jQuery UI DatePicker 

Code in ASPX page